Femtosaniye Lazerler
Fiber ve OPCPA teknolojisi
Tek atış – MHz darbe tekrarlama oranları
Mükemmel ışın kalitesi
Ayarlanabilir darbe genişliği seçenekleri
FemtoLux 30
FemtoLux 3
UltraFlux HR series
UltraFlux HE series
UltraFlux Custom
Industrial Femtosecond Laser |
Microjoule Class Femtosecond Industrial Lasers |
High Repetition Rate Tunable Wavelength Femtosecond OPCPA Systems |
High Energy Femtosecond OPCPA Systems |
Multi TW Few cycle OPCPA systems |
- 30 W at 1030 nm, 11 W at 515 nm, 6 W at 343 nm
- >90 µJ at 1030 nm, >55 µJ at 515 nm, >30 µJ at 343 nm
- MHz, GHz, MHz+GHz burst modes
- < 350 fs – 1 ps
- Single shot to 4 MHz (AOM controlled)
- Dry cooling (no water used)
- Up to 3 W at 1030 nm, 1.2 W at 515 nm
- Up to 3 μJ/pulse and 10 μJ/burst
- 300 fs – 5 ps tunable pulse duration
- Single shot – 10 MHz pulse repetition rates
- Burst shape active control
- Tunable wavelength femtosecond OPCPA system
- 750 – 960 nm, 375 – 480 nm, 250 – 320 nm and 210 – 230 nm tuning ranges
- Up to 14 mJ pulse energy at 1 kHz repetition rate
- Perfectly synchronized fs and ps outputs option
- Based on the novel OPCPA technology
- Patented front-end design
- Up to 100 Hz repetition rate
- Up to 1 J pulse energy
- Down to 10 fs pulse duration
- > 15 TW peak power
- sub-8 fs pulse duration
- 1 kHz repetition rate
- > 120 mJ output energy
- > 120 W average power
- Glass, sapphire and ceramics micro processing
- Microelectronics manufacturing
- Glass intra volume structuring
- Micro processing of different polymers and metals
- LCD, LED, OLED drilling, cutting and repair
- Inner volume marking of transparent materials
- Marking and structuring
- Micromachining of brittle materials
- Photopolymerization
- Ophthalmologic surgery
- Biological Imaging
- Pumping of femtosecond OPO/OPA
- Microscopy
- Broadband CARS and SFG
- Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy
- Nonlinear spectroscopy
- High harmonic generation
- Broadband CARS and SFG
- Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy
- Nonlinear spectroscopy
- High harmonic generation
- Wake field particle acceleration
- X-ray generation
- Fundamental frontier particle physics research
- Nuclear Photonics
- High harmonic generation
- Attosecond pulse generation
- Wake field particle acceleration
- X-ray generation