SuperK serisi, biyo-görüntüleme, yarı iletken inceleme, sınıflandırma, cihaz karakterizasyonu ve bilimsel enstrümantasyon alanlarında en yenilikçi şirketler tarafından kullanılan, anahtar teslimi süper sürekli beyaz ışık lazerlerinin sektör lideri bir serisidir. Kaynaklar sağlam ve güvenilirdir, yoğun kullanım için üretilmiştir ve birden fazla tek hatlı lazerin yanı sıra ASE kaynakları, SLED'ler ve lambalar gibi geniş bant kaynaklarının yerini alabilir.
SuperK CHROMATUNE – Dünyanın en geniş ayarlanabilir lazeri
Key Features
Tunable from 400-1000 nm
Constant output power
On-the-fly variable repetition rate
Alignment & maintenance-free
Software Development Kit (SDK)
Plug & Play accessories
Detay İçin
- Microscopy
- Spectroscopy
- Fluorescence
- Lifetime imaging
- Optical characterization
- Plasmonics & metamaterials
SuperK FIANIUM – our flagship supercontinuum white light fiber lasers
Key Features
390-2400 nm single-mode output
Robust and maintenance-free
Flexible trigger out and power locking
On-the-fly variable repetition rate
Software Development Kit (SDK)
Plug & Play filter accessories

Detay İçin
SuperK FIANIUM Datasheet
SuperK FIANIUM and FIANIUM OCT Product Guide
SuperK EVO – Endüstriyel güvenilirlik ve kompakt ayak izi
Key Features
Cost-efficient industrial laser platform
High brightness and repetition rate
Robust and compact industrial design
Free software development kit
Maintenance-free 24/7 operation

Detay İçin
SuperK EVO Datasheet
SuperK EVO HP Datasheet
SuperK EVO and EVO HP Product Guide
SuperK COMPACT – uygun maliyetli süper sürekli beyaz ışık lazerleri
Key features
High brightness and long lifetime
Maintenance-free 24/7 operation
Variable repetition rate
Input pulse trigger
Visible to IR light in one module
Cost-efficient broadband source

Detay İçin
SuperK COMPACT Datasheet
SuperK COMPACT Product Guide

Tunable filters for your laser
Add a tunable filter to your SuperK COMPACT and turn it into an ultra-broadband tunable laser
LLTF Contrast – tunable high-contrast filter
Key Features
Single-channel tunable band-pass filter
Exceptional out-of-band suppression
Wideband tuning across VIS and nIR
Narrow line-width and high resolution
Simple and intuitive user interface
Robust and maintenance-free
SuperK LLTF Datasheet
Key Features
400-840 nm coverage
Variable bandwidth
50 dB out-of-band suppression
SuperK VARIA Datasheet
SuperK SELECT – tunable multi-channel filter
Key Features
400-840 nm coverage
Variable bandwidth
50 dB out-of-band suppression
High transmission, no polarization loss
Handles high average power
SuperK SELECT Datasheet
Key Features
Separation of VIS from nIR
Industrially proven fiber coupling
Various fiber interfaces
Modular and integrable into SuperK lasers
Plug & Play accessory
SuperK SPLIT Datasheet